Reflecting on Lent


Lent is the time in the church year where we shift our hearts and minds from the birth of Jesus at Christmas to the story of his death and resurrection at Holy Week and Easter. It is a time where we remember the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness and confronting the temptations of the devil.

As we move through Lent, it makes sense to talk about what it means to each of us on a personal level. On Ash Wednesday we talk about fasting, preparation, reflection, and remembrance for the 40-day Lenten journey to Easter; but everyone interprets and embodies these instructions differently.

What does Lent mean to you and how do you embody it for forty-days? Do you give something up? Do you vow to make a change? Do you fast?

Lent is a journey to the cross, to the death and resurrection of Jesus. While for forty-days our paths may take different shapes and forms, we all end together in the same place.

Just as no two accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus are the same, no two people celebrate and honor Lent in the same way. We look forward to seeing you at God on Tap and hearing your take on the meaning and expression of Lent!

Some questions to ponder: What does Lent mean to you? How does the season of Lent prepare you (or not) for the death and resurrection? How would Easter be different if we didn't have the season of Lent? What do you do for Lent and why? (give something up? fast? nothing?)


Who Is Jesus?
