God on Tap

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Silver Linings Playbook

Have you ever gotten bad news or had a bad experience that turned out to be positive in the end?

One of my favorite movies to come out recently is Silver Linings Playbook, which was filmed right here in Philly. It tells the story of people who are forced to confront their grief, heartbreak, fears, and tragedy, and in doing so—and with the help of one another—they discover that life still has a silver lining.

It's really amazing how often that even the midst of the storms of life, moments of grace, love, and kindness shine through. They may not cure us or solve all our problems, but they remind us that we are not alone, and that we can endure, and that there is always hope and the promise of a new day. For me, they are also reminders that God is at work, even when we have a hard time seeing or feeling it.