Giving Thanks


One of the great mystics, Meister Eckhart, once wrote, "If the only prayer we ever utter to God is 'Thank you" that is enough." Gratitude is one of the most important practices in the spiritual life, and yet we are so busy that we often stop to pause and give thanks. As we approach Thanksgiving, we begin to recall and recount how much we have to be thankful for. That's the invitation for this Tuesday's God on Tap: come and take time to give thanks - and be encouraged and inspired by others' stories.

In his first letter to the Thessalonians, St. Paul writes, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances." We don't give thanks for all circumstances in our lives, but we can give thanks in all circumstances. Even in the midst of our most challening times, we can still find things to be thankful for and it lets us know that there is still something good and right with the world. 

This month, the BTS Center Bearings blog, which I sometimes write for, has a series this month on different facets of gratitude: gratitude as healinggratitude as resistance, and a beautiful reflection on gratitude in ordinary time by a hospice chaplain. 

How is gratitude expressing itself in you in this season? What facet of gratitude do you feel drawn to?

Some other questions to ponder: What are you grateful for? What are the barriers you find to practicing gratitude? Have you ever found yourself feeling grateful even in the midst of challenge or suffering? Do you keep a gratitude journal? What difference has it made for you? 


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