The Future of Faith With Lisa Kimball and Sarah Stonesifer


Join us for a conversation about the future of faith with two of my favorite people.

Our very special guests will be Lisa Kimball and Sarah Stonesifer both from Virginia Theological Seminary’s Center for the Ministry of Teaching.

I work with Sarah and Lisa as part of “e-Formation,” a learning community that teaches and trains ministry leader around the country about how digital technologies and social media can be used to share and form faith.

Lisa and Sarah are at the forefront of thinking about the future of faith, especially as it relates to our digital world (which is the world today), and they are amazing. You should come just to meet them, but I know we will cover some really interesting territory too.

Here's a little bit more about them both:

Lisa Kimball is the Associate Dean of Lifelong Learning, the Director of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching, and Professor of Christian Formation and Congregational Leadership.

 Sarah Stonesifer is Digital Missioner and Learning Lab Coordinator in the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at VTS.


Giving Thanks


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